Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So today at the store (yes I got to work with Frankie ALL day. . .it was my lucky day!), a lady called inquiring for her "brother" if he could exchange an insulated bib for the correct size. He did not have a receipt, mmm that is the first red flag! Did he remember how he paid, I can look up credit/debit card transactions? Nope, hmmm second red flag! What type and size is it? An R38 size 44x36 and he needs a 44x30. Hmmm third red flag. . .they don't make that size in this bib! Fourth red flag, I am sure those of you wear a 36" inseam in a pant would never mistakingly purchase a 30" inseam pant. . .it works both ways. The fifth red flag was that a man had already made a run at returning an identical size of bibs (but in a style that size is made in) last week!!! I smell a rat!!!!

Why does this bother me? Because his work purchased them and Frankie talked to them more than once about sizing, but they were macho and new much more than we possibly could. Consequently, there is a man in bibs which are 6" TOO long and quite honestly 2 sizes too big around! Maybe next time he will listen?

Much love!


Tricia said...

Hurray...you're a blogger. I LOVE keeping up with Larkin this way, so now I'll spy on your blog too :)! Visit us at www.varvelfamily.blogspot.com.

Missy said...

That's annoying. People try to get around things any way that they possibly can.

Sara said...

Hi Tammi! I found your blog off of Larkin's, and just thought I'd send you an official greeting to the blogiverse! I can't wait to read more posts :)

Stephanie B said...

When Trav buys pants he buys them too big. last time that I went with him I actually made him get a 34 waist instead of 36, I told him, "you can have one that is comfortable, and one that looks good." Boys.