Friday, April 30, 2010

What kind of mother am I?

The above home was purchased by David and Jessie on Monday. It is located in MESA, ARIZONA! They will be living in this home for the next 4-5 years or so while David completes his education. It is five minutes from Jessie's work and David's school. Jessie LOVES the sun!

The above home was purchased by Cody and Larkin yesterday. It is located in IOWA CITY, IOWA! They will be living in this home for the next 5 or so years while Cody works on his PhD. It is in a nice area and has a lot of closet space and sunshine...two requirements for them. They have lived in really nice apartments since they were married; although, both have been basement apartments. They will actually live above ground :)

Hence the question, after three trips to Iowa and two to Arizona encouraging the above moves...what kind of mother would help her children move so far away?????? Never mind answering, I already know: a mother who wants her children to be happy and progressing even if it is so far away. We love our children. They are truly the joy in our life. I really have to think about how good it is for them and push out the thoughts of how much I will miss all of them! Thank you to those who are watching out for them in the new areas they are moving.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hoping for pictures...

I am going to try and post some pictures...are you all crossing your fingers and saying a little prayer for me? If not, stop reading and do! I think it worked! This is on the beach at Puerto Morales, love Frankie's face he is pulling!